Adult School » English as a Second Language (ESL)

English as a Second Language (ESL)


English as a Second language (ESL) courses provide English language learners with life skills and the opportunity to improve their speaking, listening, reading, writing, vocabulary development, and grammar. Classes are available in the morning, afternoon, and evening. 


Students are required to complete a placement test, which places them in one of the three classes.


Beginning Level:

Elementary proficiency.  At this level, a person can form basic sentences, including asking and answering simple questions.  This is essentially the starting point of the language proficiency




Intermediate Level:

Someone at this level can handle basic work commands and social phrases.  They can carry on limited conversations.  They can only operate independently in basic conversations.


Advanced Level:

Someone at this level can have advanced conversations on a wide range of topics related to personal life, current events, and technical topics. They may still have a minor accent and occasionally misspeak or make minor mistakes, but their vocabulary is extensive, and they can carry on conversations with ease.


Multi-Level Evening Classes:

This class has students in the Beginning/Intermediate or Intermediate/Advanced levels. 


Biola Community Class:

Classes are held at Biola Elementary School.  It contains students with all of the above levels.  





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